

  That same morning, hardly an hour after the assassination of Al-hajji Mohamadou Issa Musa, Lawyer Ngwesse received an anonymous call from a man using a cloth over his mouth as he spoke on the phone. “Lawyer Ngwesse?” the mysterious caller asked. “Yes! This is lawyer Ngwesse speaking.” “I’m calling because I support your movement.”  The lawyer felt a chill run up his spine. “Thanks,” he stuttered, “And who are you by the way?” “My name is unimportant for now. You need to know that I can help you save some lives.” “What are you talking about?” “I’m talking about lives, my friend. There is something else that I want you to know. I’m an ethnic Beti-Pahuin. My home village is a short distance from the president’s.” “So?” “Bear in mind that I was born and raised in the Southwest Province.” “What has that got to do with saving lives?” “I’m coming to that.” “Now, do be serious before I hang up.” “Hang up? Do you think that would be a wise thing to do?” La...

Ce qui n'est pas considéré comme le problème du Cameroun

Le problème du Cameroun n'est pas entre les Camerounais anglophones et les Camerounais francophones ou entre les différentes ethnies ou religions. Le problème c'est le gens qui n'aiment pas le Cameroun,  pourtant, professent être éclairés et convainquent les ignorants et les imbéciles de s'engager dans des actes mauvais. Ce sont ceux qui ont perdu le sens d'être africains et dont l'esprit n'a pas été émancipé des effets du colonialisme, du néocolonialisme, de l'impérialisme et de l'ingénierie sociale. Ce sont les ethno-fascistes, les corrompus, les extorqueurs, les semeurs de haine, et l'Ignorant avec un agenda exclusif. The Problem of Cameroon is not between Anglophone Cameroonians and Francophone Cameroonians or between the different ethnicities or religions. The problem is those who do not love Cameroon,  yet they profess to be enlightened and convince the unenlightened and knuckleheads to engage in evil acts. It is those who have lost the mea...