Rejecting Ethno-Fascism in Cameroon
I am concerned by some of the terms some Cameroonians with ethnofascist tendencies are using to befuddle if not amaze or hoodwink unsuspecting Cameroonians into going along with their game plans to divide us even further and create microstates based on their dominant ethnicities or group of related languages, or based on a present or former geopolitical entity and other identifiers. They use examples that are solidly nations or nation states to lend credence to their application of the word(s) nation, nationhood to the geopolitical entities they want to create, geopolitical entities that are diverse, multi-ethnic and even multi-religious; they are trying to create new geopolitical entities where other Cameroonians would be excluded from. I am talking about the ethnofascists among those who are peddling the notion of creating an Ekang State that they are calling a nation, an Amabazonian state that they are calling a nation, and whatnot. One of them talked of an Ekang s...